How it works

Order Online

Delivered to Your Door

Just Open and Eat

No Refrigeration
Using an all-natural food preservation process, our meals stay fresh for up to 12 months without the use of nasty chemical preservatives.
Mark Perlmutter, CEO
Millions of people saw my documentary Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days - but few people changed. Eating healthy plant-based meals is often times overwhelming, difficult, and you don't know what to prepare. I created VegReady meals to help millions of people have access to ready-to-eat vegan meals that require no refrigeration, no heating, and no stress

The expiration date on our current line of meals (Amazonian Rainforest and Coastal Verde) is October-November 2020. See the best by date printed on the meals.
Simply order online and we ship a case of 24 dishes (8 complete meals) to your door. For a complete meal, you can mix two of the sauce & side dishes with one of the main dishes. You can also enjoy these meals in your own kitchen, by using them in combination with other food favorites - like pasta or salads - for an easy, tasty, and delicious meal!
Click 'Order Now' on either of our meal packs, and before making a purchase you will be able to see selection of images that include the nutritional labels for each of our meals.
At this time, no. Any purchase you make will be a one-time purchase and you will not be automatically charged anything after that. We will resume our monthly subscriptions in the near future.